#nsale for toddlers

Friday, July 31, 2015

Come see if you were a winner of the Autumn Designs and Co. watercolor prints HERE.

I shouldn't have done it but I did. I peeked. And now I can't get these cute clothes out of my head! If I were shopping the Nordstrom sale these items would definitely be in my cart. As of now we're getting the shoes since she's going to be a flower girl again soon and plus she can wear them to preschool.

undies   shoes   shorts   pjs

As I was creating this collage Blair saw the vest and said, "Mom, are you buying that for me?" And I told her maybe someone would get it for her for Christmas and she replied, "That would be a GREAT idea!" This. Girl. Kills Me.  

Sale ends on Monday so get your deals in now!
I wasn't planning on (in)fertility Friday because I didn't think I would have anything new to say but it turns out I do. No, I'm not pregnant.

     I decided last minute that wanted to try injectables this month. It's the last step for me before IVF. I went to the doctor Thursday and had them do an ultrasound. Long story short is that I had some pretty big cysts on my ovaries, thanks to PCOS. The cysts were so big and plentiful that they would not allow me to try injectables this month. The cysts could possibly be housing eggs and using injectables with that would result in Nat and Matt (and Blair) plus 8

     Here's what I learned today... The PCOS is giving me cysts, which makes any other treatment besides IVF not possible (because the doctor's don't want to be responsible for another octomom). With IVF they can control how many fertilized eggs they put inside so I don't result in octomom. 

     I'm actually glad God closed the injectable door so quickly. Less research for me to do. So we are still on the same road to IVF in January. In September I'm going to see if Kaiser will give me a laparoscopy just to see what's going on in there but if they won't then that's that. We decided not to pay out of pocket for that since the solution to anything they could find in there would be IVF. Plus, I'm not thrilled with the idea of that surgery. Probably shouldn't have watched the YouTube videos on that. Ooops. 

This week I've been feeling more at peace. I just know that we have a date in mind for IVF and that I need to be patient for that. I'm still keeping myself in check by reminding myself that IVF may not be the solution to this...it may not work at all. Which would be horrible. But, the benefit would clearly outweigh the negative. And we will never know unless we try. The doctors are optimistic that I would be a good candidate for it since I'm "young" (to their standards) and "healthy" (weird, because I'm not healthy enough to get pregnant on my own.) But hey I'll take their complements! ;)

I'm off to the beach for a couple weeks with B so this is my sparse blog warning. :)

Fresh Face

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Things got crazy over here yesterday; as in I updated my (much overdue) blog appearance. I've been wanting to do something more sophisticated, after all I am thirty one now. ;) Although I will miss seeing Matt and Blair's mug at the top of my blog I think this change is for the better. Clean, feminine, and classy. That's me! (My friends are all rolling their eyes. They know better.)

But seriously, guys, I was an HTML BOSS yesterday. I bought the template here and installed the whole thing by myself. If you know how much I hate learning new tech stuff you are so proud of me right now. I literally spent the rest of yesterday afternoon and evening patting myself on the back. Just ask M. :)

I still have a couple "bugs" to work out but overall I am pretty pleased! What do you think? And thanks, Natasha, for the inspiration!


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I know I'm late in this round up but it's because I've been avoiding the #nsale. I didn't want to be tempted by all the pretties that Nordstrom had to offer this season but I just couldn't stay away from browsing. Here's my best tip about Nordstrom, ladies...shop in the Junior's department! They have really cute stuff for a fraction of the cost of the "grown up" department. The majority of the items below are B.P. baby! Also can you tell that aside from the dress that I'm in the mood to be cozy over here? 

Dress    Tee    Blouse
Sweater    Jacket    Jeans

Mom, if you're reading this and in the mood to get some of your Christmas shopping done I wear a size small (7 shoe). ;) 

Blair's First Sleepover

Monday, July 27, 2015

      We had a great weekend but man am I pooped. M and his friends were out of town so the wives and kids stayed over here. I have an irrational fear of staying home alone so my friends kept me company along with their littles. We were productive and did some mad crafting for some showers that I have coming up while the kids demolished the house. ;)

     We thought it would be fun to attempt a "sleepover" and let the girls sleep together in Blair's bed. They were hilarious and stayed awake for a good two hours before pooping out. Around two am I heard Blair's friend crying for her mama on the monitor so I grabbed her and put her in bed with her mama in the guest room. The rest of the night was a blur as I was in and out of B's bed (finally just crashing there). She managed to develop a cough over night which is always fun. :/

Aside from the bedtime shenanigans these girls were in heaven. I see many a sleep over in their future! Hopefully without their mamas. :)

I'm sure this won't be the first time a boy tries to crash the party. ;)
I hope these monkeys jumping on the bed made your Monday a little happier!

(in)Fertility Fridays

Friday, July 24, 2015

Balancing besties keeping us mamas and dadas on our toes!

     I've almost survived my first month on a budget (the horrible "B" word). I have to say that saving for IVF is annoying but there is NOTHING more motivating than saving to pay for your BABY. So, I'm determined to say the least. I will stick to that budget with a vengeance! I'm writing about this under "medical" because that is all that's going on right now medically. Saving for IVF. Right now the plan is to start that process in January but of course I hold my plans very loosely now. The only other medical news is that I started taking maca root again. Some herbal root that's supposed to help regulate my body. Meh. We will see. Can't hurt.

     I keep thinking that this time of waiting will get easier but it really hasn't. Maybe I'm getting better at tolerating it but it's still oh so hard. I've decided that if I have to wait then I may as well choose to be happy while I wait instead of miserable. Easier said than done, right? I'm trying really hard to be content and focus on Blair (because she is the sweetest nugget alive I'm convinced). I'm also trying to grasp and come to terms with the fact that she may be our only child. I want to be okay with that...so I'm working on it. Some people never get to have kids and I am blessed with her so it's important for me to focus on that. And also ultimately recognizing Jesus as my full portion.

     Yet again I'm loving my little devotional. One day this week it talked about how we can't help others unless we ourselves have experienced suffering, "To do and suffer God's will is the highest form of faith. We cannot do good to others save at a cost to ourselves, and our afflictions are the price we pay for our ability to sympathize. If you are going to be a helper, you must first be a sufferer. The present circumstance, which presses so hard against you, is the best-shaped tool in the Father's hand to chisel you for eternity. Trust Him, then. Do not push away the instrument or you will lose how it is shaping you." 
     If God is putting me through the fire right now so I can be of help to others then I am all for this suffering. I truly love talking to other women struggling with fertility and encouraging them. I'm passionate about it! I do not want this suffering to be purposeless. With that said I also don't want it to last ten years so can we compromise, God? ;)

The OC Fair

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Orange County Fair. We came, we ate, and we won. I made sure I ran the morning of our fair excursion to help balance out the fried food I would inevitably eat later. On the top of my list were the fried avocados and fried Klondike bar. Delish! Not only did we eat our way through the fair we also were determined to win a stuffed donut. And although M is a major penny pincher he couldn't resist the ball toss and had to play. Jokes on the fair though because he won TWO prizes! A stuffed donut for me Blair and a unicorn for her friend. :)

All my nursing mamas our there feel your pain mama pig!

Till we meet again next year, fair! I'm sure it will take me that long to work off those gnarly calories.

My Quotable Kid

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Blair is just budding into quite the young lady. The conversations we have are constantly cracking me up and brightening my day. I have a little quote book where I write down some of the funny/cute/endearing things she says. I thought that I would share some of my favorites with you below.

Get yours HERE.
"Mommy in trouble." - When I rear ended someone last year.

Me: "What are your babies names?"
B: "Two and Five."

B: "I take Baby to Disneyland."
Me: "Who is going to buy her ticket?"
B: "Dada. I need to find his wallet. I need the money in there."

"Mommy there is no reason to be mad at me!" -when getting in trouble.

"I need to put lick stick (lip stick) on for the day." -as we get ready to go to a play date.

"Mommy! Don't put too much make-up on!" -while I'm getting ready.

 "Let's read Slap the Cat!"- in reference to a book called Splat the Cat.

"Bella (our dog) needs to be on her place because she has a bad attitude. Bella, you're being ridiculous. You're driving me crazy!"

"Mommy, are you happy? You're a cutie pie Mommy." -while rubbing my cheeks after she has gotten in trouble.

"Mom does she have legs? Does she go pee and poop? Is she wearing panties?" -referring to the deceased at her first funeral.

"Mom God is healing me. I have Jesus in my heart and so does Baby."

"Mom, Baby's friends are on the freeway. They are stuck in traffic." -while we were at Disneyland.

B:"What are pretend friends?"
Me: "Friends that aren't real and only you see them. Like Baby's friends."
B: "No! Baby's friends are real! They are dark blue and were at Baby's birthday!"
Me: shrugs

"Dwarfs are nice pets. We can go get one at the pet store." -while talking about Snow White.

"Mom, when you have a baby you go to the hospital and push real hard. You push with one eye closed."

     Oh man I'm sure all the moms out there could add many many more quotes to this list. Feel free to leave some of your favorite quotes from your kid below so we can all laugh about it!

Autumn Designs and Co.{Water Color Prints}

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Congrats to Miranda, Leslie and Leland!!!

Guys. I'm excited to share that we now have some watercolor prints in the Autumn Designs and Co. shop! My artist and friend, Danielle, has just scratched the surface of her water coloring skills and I was impressed! Must be nice to rock something the first try... ;)

I especially love the boldness of this blue one.

I also like the soft romantic colors in this one too...

And because who doesn't like free stuff I'm giving away your choice of DIGITAL water color print. And what the heck... I'll giveaway one print to THREE lucky winners. :)

Happy Tuesday!

Big Hero 6 Movie Night

Monday, July 20, 2015

We've had such an awesome weekend filled with RAIN! I'm sure most people who live in areas with "weather" get tired of rain but here in Southern California is a precious treat! We've been soaking it in...literally. :)

On Friday night we went to our church to see Big Hero 6 on the lawn. It was SO fun and I wish that they did this twice a month instead of twice a summer but I'll take it! They had several food trucks, bounce houses, and crafting stations. They also had popcorn with "choose your own toppings" for the kiddos. I'm pretty sure Blair was in heaven.

Mac and cheese rib grilled cheese...so bomb!

I loved the movie and was surprised that B did too. I mean it didn't have princesses so I was thinking she wouldn't be interested, but we snuggled in our lawn chair and munched on her popcorn with sprinkles and M&M's. It was a treat for her and me. :)

We can't wait for the Frozen movie night in August...every Mom's girls dream!

Friday Favorites

Friday, July 17, 2015

Nothing new in the infertility world so let's move on to my Friday Favorites for the week...

1. Giant Paper Wall Flowers: I'm currently crafting for some showers coming up and these are at the top of my decor list...so pretty!

2. Mylar Balloons now at Target! I can't wait to scoop some of these up soon. I didn't see them on their website but check out @targetdoesitagain on Instagram.

3. Nena and Co Bags: These bags are just so beautiful!

4.This Neon Dash Baby Blanket: Because I clearly need a baby blanket now :/

5. French Press Morning Prints: Because I love a little encouragement in my life!

Tonight we are headed to our church to watch Big Hero 6 on their big screen TV. I plan on eating delicious food from the food trucks and doing some serious crafts with Blair. Yay for summer!

Skin Essentials

Thursday, July 16, 2015

I have to admit I am lazy when it comes to skin care. It's hit or miss if I remove my mascara every night, remember my sunscreen, and use my wrinkle cream. It should really be my New Year's resolution to complete my skin care routine daily. I'm sure the benefits would be awesome!

Regardless, I wanted to share my skin care products and routine with you but with the caveat that it's a loose routine. Maybe if I was more consistent I wouldn't have to whine about my wrinkles so much!

1. Neutrogena Make Up Remover Towelettes: I'm sure these are not earth shattering as all my friends use them. Since I don't wear a ton of make up on a daily basis (mascara, eyebrow powder, tinted chapstick) I use these towels more than once. I'm hoping I'm not alone in this.

2. Miracle Blur: I use this often by itself. It minimizes my pours, fills my wrinkles, and gives my skin a matte effect. It's an easy way to make my skin look better without applying actual make up.

3. Eucerin: I love two things about this moisterizer... sunscreen and the pump. I apply it on my face, neck, and hands.

4. Oil of Olay Regenerist Moisturizer for Night: Self explanatory...I use this after applying my wrinkle serum (next on the list) at night.

5. Oil of Olay Regenerist Night Serum: I apply this at night after I wash my face.

6. Tria: My best friend's dad happens to work for Tria so I got a sweet set up (for free!). I use this laser wrinkle machine every other night along with the products and love it! While it does feel a bit uncomfortable since it tingles I feel like it really works. The cleanser is a rich gel that really gets the job done and the finishing serum continues to attack my wrinkles over night. 

What are some of your favorite skin products? I didn't include it but I also love my amazing grace by Philosophy body lotion. The smell is my favorite!

* All items can be purchased on Amazon.

My Feisty Flamingo

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I've been driving past this flamingo for weeks telling myself I would take a picture of Blair next to it. I finally had the chance to last Friday when we grabbed donuts in the parking lot next door. "Go stand by that flamingo so I can take your picture. Then you can eat that delicious sprinkled donut I bought you." A donut for a picture...seems like a fair trade. :/

Not much going on over here. Just crafting like it's my job for a couple of showers I have coming up in August. We've also been doing lots of fun summer stuff like the library, swimming, little gym, and donuts. :) This weekend we are thinking about hitting up the fair since my bff (soon to be bride!) will be down for the weekend. Summer time and the livin's easy!

*Currently I am listening to my stinker of a toddler cry in bed because "She has to go potty." Mind you, I always take her right before bed. Every night lately it's been some lame excuse to try and get either me or Matt up to her room. I've heard it all... "Moooom I need a tissue." "Moooom I need my hair braided." "Moooom I need oils." Sigh. M falls for it but I'm determined to break this bad habit. Do any of you have this problem? Tips please!

Abs and Dessert

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Last week I was whining to my trainer about how some people can eat dessert AND have abs. She said simply, "Those people are jerks. And you're not one of them." Tough love but that's why I like her. ;) Anyway she recommended a "dessert" that she makes and doesn't feel too guilty about eating. I tried it out and while it's not brownies and ice cream it's still pretty good! This recipe is gluten free, grain free, high in fiber, clean, natural, higher in protein and down-right-delicious.

Prep time: 3 MinutesCook time: 30 MinutesTotal time: 33 Minutes
Yield: Makes 12-16 Brownies
  • 1 Cup Natural Smooth Peanut Butter (if you have a nut allergy you can always try to make these with a seed butter)
  • 1/3 Cup Honey (Agave or Maple Syrup – to make these sugar free you can try Stevia)
  • 1 Egg
  • 1/4 Cup Egg Whites (2 Egg Whites)
  • 1/4 Tsp Salt
  • 1/2 Tsp Baking Soda
  • 1 1/2 Cups Cooked Chickpeas
  • 1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/2 Cup Chocolate Chips (You can use 1/4 Cup Chocolate and 1/4 Cup White like I did)
  1. Pre-heat oven to 350F.
  2. Spray your 8×8 glass baking dish with a healthy, non stick oil.
  3. Place all ingredients excluding the chocolate chips in your food processor and blend until smooth (stopping to scrape down the sides).
  4. Using a spatula hand mix-in your chocolate chips.
  5. Pour mixture evenly into your glass baking dish (use your spatula to smooth out the batter).
  6. Place in the oven and bake for 27 – 30 minutes (until your fork comes out clean).
  7. Remove from oven and let set for 10 minutes.
  8. Cut into squares, serve and enjoy!
  9. These are all-natural so I highly suggest storing them in a sealed tight container in your refrigerator.
I hope this inspires you to whip up a healthy treat!

Oh, Hi!

Monday, July 13, 2015

This weekend I attended my cousin's wedding in Ojai, California. And woah. Like, I've never been to such a beautiful wedding. It was straight celebrity status. The bride, Lauren, has impeccable taste and it definitely showed.

Upon arrival to our hotel we were greeted with this thoughtful gift baskets. Cookies, a pub mix, bubbly, pears and more were a pleasant surprise after a long drive. 

 The invitations were of the most luxe paper and the program was simple a beautiful too.

There were all different types of flowers in the bouquets including peonies, roses, hydrangeas, and more. I looooove neutral wedding palettes so this was right up my aisle alley.

 Guests were given white parasols and fresh lemonade for shade against the afternoon sun. Cute and practical!

My pictures truly don't do the even justice but the table with our seating cards on them was stunning. I LOVE that she included summer peaches as part of the decor. The silver platters and hand calligraphy on the name cards were a lovely attention to detail.   

Again, I could not get a great photo of the reception since the lighting was so low but it was amazing. The chairs looked like they were all hand carved from tree branches (they weren't of course) and the olive branches adorning the chandeliers gave the room such a rustic vibe. There were flowers EVERYWHERE and professional lighting made them the spotlight on each table. 

While in person the lighting was romantic, it made capturing the event difficult with my iPhone. ;) The four tiered cake was simply beautiful. 

While I usually Rent the Runway for Black Tie affairs this time I opted to borrow my bestie's dress (saving money for that baby!). Tiff did RTR and her dress was by far the most stunning (aside from the bride's of course) at the event.

 Since I wore black I wanted to add some color with my jewelry. My necklace, c/o Happiness Boutique, really popped and added some fun to a relatively simple dress. I had the chance to choose a necklace from their site and was overwhelmed by all the beautiful choices! Think: Stella and Dot look a likes for the fraction of the cost.I'll definitely be shopping their site for future jewelry purchases. They even offer free shipping, something every company should do in my opinion. Happiness Boutique also has a great rewards program too. All you have to do is share your purchase on social media and you get rewarded for it. Great gift ideas too!

I added pink Kate Spade earrings for some more color.
And because my brother never dresses up. :) Looking suave, Kevin! And Tiff is always gorgeous.
And because I like to save the best for last, here are the handsome couple!

Congrats again, Nathan and Lauren! I hope your happily ever after is as amazing as you two.