I love Blair's nursery and it's one of my favorite rooms in the house but it still doesn't feel complete. Since she came
five weeks early there were things that never got finished. One thing I wanted to do was complete a gallery wall. Although I am realizing this is a lot more difficult than I had imagined. It's easy to make a symmetrical photo collage but much more difficult to do something more haphazard and still have it look right. Here are some ideas I found while "pinning" and some things that I have lying around that I think would work.
I love the idea of hanging baby's shoes, and beanie. I'm definitely going to do this.
I also like the idea of a little shelf as well as framing a fabric you love.
I also have a vintage mirror in B's room I'm thinking about incorporating. |
I have some silver trays from my great grandmother that would look pretty as well. (how do you hang those?)
I want to choose some of Blair's hair pretties and do this.
I love that she framed a onesie. I was either going to do that or hang a dress.
I was also thinking about her gallery wall being a "corner" gallery wall like this one below:
I think the last gallery is a little "busy" but I like the concept.
canvas print i found from homegoods (where else?!) |
gold inlayed platter from great gramma |
silver platter from great gramma |
Don't laugh at my HORRIBLE sketch (clearly I lack perspective and need to re-take geometry) but this is what I'm thinking...
What do you guys think? Here is a picture of the corner I'm thinking about using. And now that I look at it I already see some adjustments I will have to make ( I forgot about the chair rail). You can see the vintage mirror in the photo. Any tips or advice?