Kate Spade Inspired Bridal Shower

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Eeek! I'm so excited to show you guys the bridal shower a couple of my friends and I threw last week! We went for a Kate Spade theme and stuck with bright colors, bold stripes, and pops of gold. It was definitely glam and girly.

We started off by sending invitations c/o Wedding Paper Divas. I'm obsessed with water color right now (who isn't) and these were spot on gorgeous! With matching thank you cards and favors these details helped set the stage for the perfect shower.

"Artful Expression" invitations c/o Wedding Paper Divas
"Air of Affection" Thank You cards c/o Wedding Paper Divas
"Gilded Romance" party favor stickers c/o Wedding Paper Divas
It's no secret that I love party planning. However I tend to do what has worked in the past instead of thinking outside of the box... if it's not broken don't fix it! That's definitely a struggle of mine! You'll see that I'm a firm believer in tissue paper decor (hello cheap and easy) but my friends pushed me to try some new things like the paper flower wall which was stunning but crazy time consuming. I say this shower is the best of both worlds. :)

My trusty chalkboard gettin' the job done. ;)
I used my Mom's banana bread recipe for the "cake" and added home made cream cheese frosting. My friends helped with the fresh flowers and I added the topper about five minutes before the party!
I snagged this mini chalkboard at Michaels for $4.
Gifts for the bride-to-be!

I can't wait to celebrate your big day, Diana! You will undoubtedly be a stunning bride. I'm so happy for you and love you so much!

Happy Monday! A special thank you to Carrie Johnson for photographing the shower. :)

(in)Fertility Friday + a Teacher DIY

Friday, August 28, 2015

I haven't done (in)Fertility Friday for a while because I had nothing good to say. I was mad and ready to give up on these stupid posts but I had a nagging in my heart to write one. An email came my way in which the writer told me that my blog really helped a couple of her friends who were struggling with infertility. The rawness and honesty of my thoughts encouraged them. And if I can be of help to even just one or two people then I will press on. Here we go!

Zippity Do Da to report here.

I'm really trying to focus on being thankful for what I have and starting each day by thanking the Lord for my blessings. I'm not going to lie...I've been pissed off lately. Pregnancy announcement after announcement has had me begging for mercy. You would really think that I would get used to this by now but it hurts every time. I would even say that the pain and disappointment is getting worse as time goes on. I'm trying to hold out for January when we do IVF but I'm scared to put too much hope in that process either. I guess that's my way of protecting myself for failure. I'm in such a weird place of balancing my emotions right now. Trying to have hope but not too much hope etc.

Not only am I trying to be thankful but I'm also trying to surrender my plan on how to have another baby. It's not that I'm giving up hope, but giving up my plan of how I want this to happen (the timing, and means). His plan is the best plan and that means His timing is better than mine too. Here are some nuggets from a recent sermon that encouraged me to come out of my dark hole...

Character is Revealed When Life is Tough- by Tom Lance
During trials you figure out who you are. Jesus was not in this place (being crucified) because He sinned; it was God's plan for Him. The same goes for you. You are not experiencing this current trial (of infertility) because you sinned but because God has chosen this for you. Jesus had a choice (to die or not) that would reveal His true character; you have that same choice. To persevere on this path because you are called to, or to give up and do things your own way.

You can trust a God that allows trials. There are moments of "why me" but ultimately you should be trusting in His sovereign plan. Stop complaining and start trusting. God was preparing Jesus for more, to be a leader. He is doing this same thing for you right now. God puts us in trials to reveal our character.

How many times do you miss what God has for you because you are mad at the place God has allowed you to be?

Are you settling for less than what God has intended for your future?

Psalm 84:11 For the Lord is a sun and a shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.

1 Thess 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


Let's move on from the heavy stuff shall we? I was a day late and a dollar short on bringing Blair's preschool teachers a "first day of school" treat on the first day of school. I'm hoping they enjoy it on the second day of school just as much. :) I made them little apple shaped treat boxes (From Oh Happy Day) filled with Hershey Kisses and added a Starbucks gift card to the bottom (not pictured). It was super easy! Here's how:

Materials: Oh Happy Day print out, scissors, safety pin, toothpick, glue dots, candy, ruler


1. Cut out the pieces

2. Fold and score each edge

3. Add a mini glue dot to each tab

4. Adhere the bottom of the apple and do the same to the top, leaving the lid open

5. Fill with your candy of choice and use the safety pin to pierce the paper for the toothpick.

6. Close the lid and add your kiddos name (why do they get all the credit?!)
7. Voila! Handmade cuteness with chocolate and coffee...trust me teachers love that kind of gift.
As a former teacher myself I assure you nothing is better than getting chocolate/baked goods or Starbucks gift cards. Yes that pencil holder cup made out of crayons is cute. No, we do not want that. Give me the stuff I need to survive being with kids all day. If I wanted a cute pencil holder I would get crayons from the supply room and make one myself. Sorry, not sorry. Take my honestly and run with it! To Starbucks preferably...for your teacher's sake. ;)

Blair's First Day of Preschool Recap

Thursday, August 27, 2015

We survived Blair's first day of preschool and neither of us cried! In fact, once the teachers opened the door to her classroom Blair was like "Peace out, Mom!" She didn't even give me a kiss goodbye nor did she look back. And while I could let that break my heart I decided that was God giving me some grace. I'll take the happy, well adjusted kid any day. :) In all honesty we have been prepping her for this day for a while now. Plus, her preschool is at our church so she is comfortable there and knows what to expect. Regardless, I was so proud of her for having a great day. And when I asked her if she wanted to go to school again she replied enthusiastically, "Yes, Mom!" This time though, Blair, you better give me a kiss goodbye! ;)

Here's to a great first year of preschool!

Blair's First Day of Preschool

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Today is the big day! Blair is officially a pre-schooler. And while I'm not crying while writing this post I am sure the tears will come when I drop her off. I plan on using my free time today to go to the gym and return a couple things at Michaels. I'm going to miss my kisses after each sit up though. And all of the "she's darling" comments from strangers while at Michaels. *sniff sniff

With that being said I had to document her first day. Since I know how much Blair loves taking pictures (insert sarcasm here) I decided to take her "first day of school" pictures one day early. ;) I dressed her in the outfit and shoes I had all picked out for today. No need in making our morning any more stressful on her big day.

dress: gap, shoes:old navy, backpack: pottery barn kids

So the above photo certainly needs some explaining. I've been asking Blair for a while now what she wants to be when she grows up. She wasn't understanding that so I asked her what she wanted to do for work so she could have money. She quickly responded, "Girls don't work, Mommy!" Um, what? Apparently Blair thinks girls don't work because I stay at home with her. I tried explaining to her that I used to be a teacher before she was born but she wasn't buying it. She now tells me that girls still don't work and that she is going to live with me forever and we are going to get married. She has quite a bit to learn... and I'm sure the feminists are real proud right now. So, finally after my suggestions of being a ballerina, teacher, artist, doctor etc. she said, "Mom I don't want to be anything. I just want to be Blair." Blair it is.

We met her teachers on Monday and they kindly said that Blankie and Baby need to stay at home. Hold up. What? You can imagine the pit in my stomach when she said that but I had a feeling it was coming. We have been practicing leaving Blankie in my purse or in the car so that helps. I'm hoping she will be so busy that it won't be a problem. Plus Baby seems to be spending more and more time at her friend's house, or on vacation, or at Disneyland (according to Blair) when we are out and about so maybe she already has plans today? Blair has been telling me, "Mom when I am at school you will not miss me because you will be taking care of Baby! You can sit with her on the couch and watch a movie." Ha ha ha. Yes, Blair, I will surely be spending my time away from you watching movies on the couch... ;)

Oh, and you can find the lucky Autumn Designs and Co. sign winners here and here! If you haven't claimed yours yet email me!

Date Night

Monday, August 24, 2015

This weekend was bananas...in a good way! We went to the Taylor Swift concert in LA Saturday night and then on Sunday I hosted a bridal shower for my bestie. It was an awesome weekend and I can't wait to show you non-iphone pics from the shower soon. :)

Romper and sweater from Loft on MEGA sale.

And a HUGE thing happened this weekend...Blair SMILED without someone having to fake falling down! No joke this is the first time this kid has ever smiled without me forcing it out of her. Guess we should make banana bread more often!

Also,  this weekend while at a friend's house she gathered some eggs from their chicken coop. When we were leaving she wanted to take the eggs and carry them to the car. I told her that they were fragile so she should let an adult carry them and she replied, " Everybody is big enough to do something Mom." Meaning, I got this Mom. We all started laughing and I have to say that watching Daniel Tiger might actually be a good thing.

Today we're headed to Disneyland (hello unblocked passes!) and meeting Blair's pre-school teacher for the first time. My house is SO messy but I decided I have all week to clean it up so off to the happiest place on earth instead!

Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?

Friday, August 21, 2015

Last Saturday our church hosted another movie night that we couldn't miss...Frozen! Blair dressed up in her Anna costume (and the Anna jewelry she stumbled upon in my Christmas closet stash :/ ) and was in heaven. I ordered another grilled cheese macaroni rib melt and was also in heaven. ;) With temperatures in the triple digits that day, the evening stayed nice and warm!

Haha Olaf's nose slid off.

A frozen bounce house!

And then the movie started and there was no turning back.
I hope you all enjoy your weekend! I'm hosting a bridal shower for my best friend so I'll be busy but it's all fun stuff. :) Can't wait to show you the pictures! I had a lot of help and it's already looking seriously beautiful...gotta love my friends!

Just Keep Swimming

Thursday, August 20, 2015

While we were at the beach last week my Mom signed Blair up for a couple of swim lessons at the pool in our community. I taught swim lessons in high school and college but it has been so long that I was interested to see what someone else would teach her. Her teacher, Miss Rita, gave me quite a few tips for improving Blair's breathing technique. Blair did so good during her lesson and I was so proud of her good listening! Apparently as long as it's not me giving the directions she's all ears. ;) She looked like such a dork in her cap and goggles but it was the cutest thing ever...

But seriously... that face!
I hope you got as good of a chuckle out of those pictures as I did. Happy (almost) weekend!

Back to School Signs

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

***Congrats Taylar, Leland, and Jen on winning a digital print of your choice!

My whirlwind of editing and adding new back to school printables has finally come to an end! Autumn Designs and Co. now has grades pre-K through 12 First Day of School photo prop signs. Each grade level has one design for a girl and one for a boy. Here are a few of my faves:

Here's your chance to enter one for your kiddo(s)! Because every time something new goes in the shop, a giveaway is in order. :)