It's been on my mind a lot lately on how I can make Christmas bigger than Santa. Less Santa, more Jesus. But I don't think I'm willing to give up Santa all together. I think about how much fun it was for me and my brothers when we were younger. Something so magical and exciting! (I was a crazy believer...till 6th grade!) So with that said I've come up with (and by that I mean copied) ideas that I can't wait to try next year when B is older. Here are a few. Some Jesus, some Santa as long as we keep the focus on Jesus I think we're good.
The advent calendar. Each day is a different part of the Christmas story and then a Christmas activity follows. Activities such as decorating the Christmas tree, doing a Christmas puzzle, having hot cocoa etc.
Elf on the shelf done perfectly here

And on top of these ideas I want my kids to go to the store and pick out gifts for those less fortunate. Giving at Christmas time is so important! And I want to bake sugar cookies and chocolate covered peanut butter balls. Ahhh! So many ideas so little time. :) Its a start anyway.
B had a lovely time at her Bible study yesterday. Maybe because Lala volunteered in the nursery...
Melt my heart!!!
Shoe challenge
Natalie I just got a new book that you might enjoy adding to your Christmas traditions. It is called the sparkle box. Basically, you serve others during the season and write down what you do and put it in the box. In Christmas morning you put it under the tree as your birthday gift to Jesus. You open it as a family and read all of the "gifts" you gave Jesus. I'm super excited to do it this year! Just thought you might enjoy it.