Yesterday I began writing about Blair's birth story so if you missed that make sure you go back and check it out!
In the beginning of my labor the contractions weren't bad at all and I was beginning to think that I could do this without meds. I had studied Child Development in the beginning of my college career and knew that epidurals weren't ideal for many reasons. But as B's arrival approached things were getting a lot more painful. The best way to describe it is the most intense menstrual cramp you have ever had. I wanted to wait out the pain as long as I could but when I asked how far I was dilated they said 3 centimeters still! I was like, "There is NO way I'm going to make it to 10 at this rate...give me the magic juice!" I remember asking where "The blonde lady was" (the one who gave epidurals) and telling the nurses that I was ready to be pain free. In what seemed like ages finally the anesthesiologist arrived with her huge needle. I didn't think Matt was going to be able to stomach the needle but he sat in front of me like a champ and didn't pass out! I remember feeling the right side of my body become numb first and then told the nurse that the left side still felt normal. They adjusted the needle and slowly I began to feel like I was in heaven! Ok, maybe not quite that good but it was pretty great! The way I would describe the feeling of an epidural is that your legs and lower abdomen just feel like they fell asleep. I could still feel pressure and tell when I was having just wasn't painful.
With the epidural under way I was told to sleep by the nurses (this wasn't going to happen). After an hour I was up for more visitors so my brother Kevin and his wife Tiffany came in to chit chat. We talked for about a half an hour and then I started feeling lots of pressure "down there." I asked the nurse what exactly I should be feeling when it was "time" and she said it would feel like I had to go #2. I promptly told her that was how I was feeling and when she checked me she said, "Wow! Who do you want in the room when you deliver because you are at a 10 and this baby is coming!" After that it was a mad rush of NICU nurses, my doctor, my mom, Matt, and Carrie all getting ready for the big push.
I ended up pushing for about a half an hour before Blair arrived. I remember the nurses telling me that she would be out in just a few minutes so a half hour seemed like a long time to me! I have realized that this is not a long time to push at all, and am grateful for that! The nurses were cheering for me and telling me that I was pushing perfectly the whole time. Matt was great and so encouraging the entire delivery. We were both in tears and so emotional. I remember thinking the whole time, "Oh my gosh, I'm going home with a BABY soon!" During one of my pushes my friend Carrie exclaimed, "Wow! Look at all her dark hair!" I remember thinking, "What? Dark Hair? But we're both blonde!" Towards the end of my pushing I remember saying, "Come on, Blair!" The nurses later informed me that I was a lovely patient without any screaming or whining or drama (for once in my life ;) ). I really don't know why anyone would be dramatic with an epidural. Those meds were magical!
push! |
When Blair came out I was so elated and happy to see her. I do remember being surprised by her appearance just because I didn't see any resemblance (this is not true now!). The umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck twice and the NICU team had to assess her before she could be placed on my chest. However, we did get to spend a few moments together until they heard her "grunting" which is a sign of poor lung development. Because of her color/prematureness/breathing Blair was given a 7/8 on the APGAR score. After that they whisked her away to the NICU and I apparently delivered the placenta ( I don't recall this). I remember asking lots of questions when the delivery was over, "Did I poop? (no! yay!)" "Can I see the placenta?" (it was HUGE! and looked like a jelly fish) "Did I tear?" (just a smidge). TMI? Maybe. But if I were reading this I would want to know all the details so I decided to fill you in.
that's a serious cone head! good thing she out grew that! |
practicing for when she is a pirate this halloween... |
looking at my baby girl for the first time |
gramma and daddy |
so much emotion! |
our first sweet moment together. this is still her favorite spot to be. :) |
At this point I had no idea how serious Blair's condition was. I stayed in recovery for a while and later was able to see my pretty girl. Things still didn't look so bad for her at this point but you all know how the rest of Blair's story goes down. This has been a crazy journey and when people told me my life would change they were SO right. The crazy thing is that we are just in the beginning. B has her whole life ahead of her (God willing) and sometimes I catch myself already looking forward to the next milestone (hello! sleeping through the night?!). But for now I have been loving snuggling with my sweet girl and staring at her all the time. My heart is so full of love for her and everyone was right; having a baby will change your life, but it will be for the better.
Hey! I've been reading your blog for a couple of weeks now and have really enjoyed reading about your sweet little girl and your adjustment to being a mom. My husband and I are expecting our first in September so I love reading about the experiences of other moms! You are doing a great job!
ReplyDeleteQue momento lindo e inexplicável.
What a beautiful birth story... It seems pretty to mine in that I only pushed for 30 minutes and had an epidural as well!! It really is a magical juice and I'm so thankful I decided to get one because it made my overall experience so enjoyable!! I'm so glad little Blair is doing great... I've really enjoyed listening to your experiences!! It really does get better each day and I love my daughter more each day too (if that's possible)!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful, beautiful story!! You write so well. I loved this post sooo much!
ReplyDeleteI thought Blair's birth story was beautiful and do not think it was tmi at all. I appreciate all of the details because it will prepare me for what is to come. Congrats! She is adorable!
ReplyDeleteI just read both parts of your birth story...It was so so sweet. I'm a nurse, so nothing is TMI! haha - I'm so glad little Blair is doing so much better :)
ReplyDeleteYour pictures made my eyes water!! You look amazing too!! Looking forward to reading about Blair as she progresses!