I have to start this blog off with some great advice from a new friend of mine: "Although you can't spoil a newborn, you ARE teaching them how it works in your house from the day you bring them home." -Maren
After a few tough nights with B, I decided it was time for something
I have been dreading new: Baby Wise. I'm sure many of you have heard of or read this book. I have heard of SO many success stories with mommies who use BW, I'm figuring it will work with my kid too! The premise is that you feed your baby, play with them, and then when they show signs of sleepiness put them down for a nap. The key is not to nurse them to sleep. They say that doing a routine for 3-5 days elicits a response from an infant. So, I'm trying this for a week with high hopes! I'm praying it gets better because I have two lovely college roommates of mine who are planning on visiting this weekend... and I would love for them to get some sleep. :) (Actually I tested out their room with a fan on and couldn't hear B at all. So, Diana and Kelly you are safe!)
We started BW Saturday night. I nursed her, gave her a relaxing bath, snuggled for a bit, then sang "Jesus loves Me" and put her in her bed. She cried for an hour till her next feeding. We set a timer and went in every five minutes to soothe her by picking her up and cuddling her. M and I both agreed that it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be. I think it really helps to have two people working as a team. Moral support is key! And this is exactly why I am dreading today...M has work of course. :( Everything with a baby is easier with two! (Single moms I admire you beyond belief...)
After I fed her I put her down in her crib and she went to sleep, no crying, for three hours! I was THRILLED! And M and I finally slept in our new king bed without baby...success! The rest of the night she woke up every two hours, which I wasn't thrilled with but it's respectable for her first night. I must say, it was pretty great not worrying about her in our bed... Around 5am I fed her and then told M I was going to the guest room to sleep till 7. She needed soothing for a half hour, then slept for an hour. Around 6:30 she woke up and needed soothing till 7. I'm wondering if she struggled at this time because it was becoming lighter in her room?
Her first nap was a bust because we walked to church and she fell asleep in her Moby wrap. On the way home the same thing happened. When we got home I tried to put her down out of the Moby and she cried for the whole hour till her next feeding. There were times when I thought she had finally gotten herself to sleep because she was quiet for five minutes and then she would start up again.
Nap number two I successfully put her down with no crying. She slept an hour and then M and to soothe her to sleep every fifteen minutes after that. We attempted a pacifier and that seemed to kind of help her initially go down.
Nap number three: total SUCCESS! I put her down with a paci (which I noticed on the monitor that she spit out pretty quickly) but she slept for a whole HOUR and a HALF! No soothing! I sat downstairs watching her on the monitor (
here) which was SUCH a great purchase if you ask me, while I blogged (this post to be exact!). I think we're on to something here...
So, M makes fun of me because I ask anyone and everyone for advice. But here comes my ploy...if you have done BW how has it worked for you? I want to know EVERYTHING! I am so thirsty for knowledge for what worked for other mommies. My thing is this...why try to figure it out on my own when someone else already has? No point in reinventing the wheel!
Here are some pictures from our weekend...
Bella trying out her pool |
grandpa bushman (bad sleeping habit documented...dangit) |
I am expecting our furniture to arrive sometime early this week so I took a bunch of "before" pictures. Can't wait to show you the "afters!"