Muddy Puddles

Monday, January 12, 2015

Yesterday was sure my kind of day. We woke up to rain and Blair slept in...the day was off to a good start! We stayed cozy inside and then when the rain cleared for a bit we went out to play in some "muddy puddles" as Peppa Pig calls them. M snapped some adorable photos of Blair for her Peppa Pig party invitations I'm working on. Her birthday isn't till March but you know me....the ever type A planner. ;)

Like I said, my favorite kind of day. And man do these pictures just melt my heart! She was thrilled to get messy in the puddles and I was thrilled to capture her joy. I know I will cherish these forever!


  1. So cute and so brave. Letting Ellie get messy like that makes my anxiety rocket!

  2. So cute! I love her little Hunter boots!


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