Santa Baby

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Blair, Dirty Baby and I visited Santa last weekend. Blair is totally into it which shows how far she has come from previous years. She requested a doll house and a toy butterfly for Dirty Baby. At what point do I not have to buy for DB too?! Sigh. While a doll house isn't difficult to find it sure isn't as wallet friendly as the beach ball she asked for last year...

Hair Pretty by Little Elle Boutique
IVF Update:
I'm getting my eggs retrieved tomorrow, a day early. This bumps my embryo transfer up two days as well too. Next Tuesday, December 15th is the big day! Yay for three days of bed rest following that! This is getting very real and quite nerve racking. Honestly prayers for my fear over the HUGE needle that will be going into my butt every three days starting Friday is what I need. I can deal with the rest but that freaking 2 inch needle has me all biggity.


  1. My goodness she is beautiful!

    Yikes! It's getting super real! You totally got this whole needle situation. Ice before, heating pad after. And make sure he does it like a dart...super quick. The anticipation is harder than the actual needle. Good luck!

  2. Good luck! I'll be thinking about you! And the butt shots are nerve wracking but you'll get used to them too. I had to do them every night and found its good to massage the area afterwards and even use a heating pad. The progesterone can easily start to feel like a golf ball in your butt after a while :(. And Blair looks cute as always! And I'm impressed you got a shot without dirty baby!

  3. Sending prayers for peace and comfort! You are such a strong woman, you got this!

  4. She is a precious doll! And prayers, for sure.

  5. What a sweetie she is that she asks for gifts for her baby too! Such a little mama :) I'm saying a prayer for you as you brave the needle. I get really nervous whenever I have a procedure or surgery and I repeat these to help me stay calm and focused on the bigger picture.

    1 Peter 5:7 – “Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.”

    Philippians 4:6-7 – “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

    I'm sure you have your own favorites that help you, but I thought I'd share mine too. Best wishes, Natalie!


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