{How To} Peppa Pig Sugar Cookies

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Last weekend M and I had a crazy Saturday night and made some practice Peppa Pig sugar cookies for Blair's birthday party coming up. I went to a local bakery and got a quote for a dozen cookies. At $5.75 a cookie M said, "You better figure out how to make those yourself." And while I am by no means an expert, I was really happy with how they turned out! Here are the steps below...

Step 1: buy cookie cutters and a bag of sugar cookie mix

Step 2: bake cookies to perfection :)

Step 3: Outline cookies with firm royal icing

Step 4: Fill in details with firm royal icing

Step 5: fill in the rest of the cookie with liquid royal icing and add details

Step 6: buy black gel frosting so I don't have to use pepper corns for the snout for the picture. :)
 Here is the recipe for the royal icing I used:

My friend gave me this recipe for royal icing:
2 cups powdered sugar
1.5 table spoons meringue powder
2.5 table spoons warm water

To get firm frosting for the outline I used the above recipe. To achieve the liquid frosting I simply added more warm water so the cookies "flooded" easily. I poured the frosting in small squeeze tubes which was messy but I eventually got it all in. Let me know if you have any questions and I would be happy to (try) to help!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nat!!! These are so good! I love how they turned out. We watched an episode of Peppa on the way to the airport and it's so cute! What a fun way to incorporate her into the party.

    Thanks for the recipe. I've had a hard time getting the frosting hard enough for the out line and then liquid enough to flood!!

  3. Cute cookies!

    Tip: if you still have breast pump parts, the breast shield makes a great kitchen funnel and may help getting the frosting in

  4. These turned out great! I was looking for a recipe for my daughter's bday party b/c my hubby said the same thing about bakery cookies. Will have to try this one!!

  5. These are awesome! I love all the royal icing tutorials I'm seeing on blogs these days and REALLY want to give them a try sometime. I just need to find a few spare hours to make them...so maybe in 5-6 years.

  6. Very cute! My daughter would LOVE them. Greetings from Germany


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