Merry Christmas Eve! Hopefully all of you are reading this from home and NOT working. :) Yesterday I finished up my tables for Christmas Eve dinner. I grabbed some rosemary from my parents yard and made these place cards. They were super easy and turned out pretty cute if I say so!
Print the cards (or write them) on thick card stock. Punch holes on the top. |
Weave the rosemary through the hole punches (newly sprouted rosemary works best because it is less brittle). |
Add a pinecone |
And voila! (Wood charger from Michaels). |
I hope you enjoy these last few hours before Christmas comes and is over in flash! I absolutely
can not wait to see Blair's face when she sees that beach ball. ;) I'm trying to soak in every. single. moment. with her...they grow up so darn fast! Merry Christmas! And a happy birthday to Matt on Christmas Day!
so simple, but so cute! Merry Christmas!