The Midas Touch

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Yesterday B and I dabbled in some arts and crafts. She painted for the first time and I spray painted for the millionth time. I found this little wooden fox below at Target and after seeing it here, decided it would look awesome gold. And then I got the Midas touch and went for the pumpkin too. Then I found some unsuspecting pine cones too. All I have to say is that M is lucky our house wasn't spray painted gold by the time he got home. That stuff is addicting!

after (i was thisclose to gilding the corn too!)
I'm not a huge fan of a lot of color so changing up the bright orange to a muted gold was a win for me.

saving these guys for Christmas!
After I painted the golden ox fox I went for the acorn on my mantle. It was a dark brown and blended in too much with my mirror so gold it became!

I taped it off with some washii tape
much better!

I wanted to paint all three gold but I like that they are all a little different. Don't mind the banner that I didn't finish because I ran out of glue dots. : /  Oops.

B also got her craft on and painted a b-day card for Lala
pretty cute if you ask me!
Afterwards I proceeded to hose her down in the yard. She did manage to pet Bella with her messy hands though and when M came home he freaked a little when he saw how "bloody" Bella was. Oops.


  1. Love it all!!! I want to start spray painting things, but I'm not sure I know what I'm doing. How do you get it not to run? Is there a special technique?

    1. well...i'm sure there is a technique to prevent running but i don't know what it is! the paint ran a little on the fox but it was on the backside so you can't tell. probably just hold it far enough away to where that doesn't happen?!

  2. love your mantle! I spray paint just about everything!!


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